The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week three, day three. Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then two repeats of: 90 seconds of jog, 90 seconds walk, 3 minute jog, three minute walk. Brisk five-minute cool-down walk. Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 134 bpm and peaked at 157 bpm. I did 1.75 miles in 31:24 for an average speed of 3.35 mph. I started off fast (for me), which may explain the slightly longer distance. But, I then had to push to keep going through the remaining run segments. The second ninety second and last half of the second three minute run segments were the hardest. Though I had to push and was glad when they were over, I ran a little more anyway. My shoes for today were my Vibram FiveFinger Classics. As is my norm with these, I did not wear socks. The FiveFingers are minimalist shoes and I had been wanting to try running barefoot. But, I had been reluctant to do it earlier because of worry that it might interfere with my workout. Today, I decided to try it out. After the last three minute segment, I pulled off the VFFs and ran an extra minute barefoot on cement sidewalks. It felt fine, not much different than with VFFs. As the form is the same, this makes some sense. When I reached the end of the sidewalk, I stopped running and took a right. This led me through the grass of a park beside another street. The cool grass felt great! So, when it was time to cut across the street and toward my house, I left off the VFFs and completed the cool-down barefoot. It was easier than I had thought it would be and my feet were fine. Week three is complete. The second two workouts of week three seemed harder than those of the week two, but I was better prepared mentally to push through them. I suspect I will need this new found ability even more in the weeks ahead.