
The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week nine, day one.

Program: 30 minute run.

Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 157 bpm and peaked at 163 bpm. I did 2.2 miles in 31:03 for an average speed of 4.3 mph (14:05 minute/mile).

I now know how far it is to the end of block on the far side of the lake near my house.  I stopped at the end of block, touched the end cap of the fence post on the corner, and turned around.  It was right at 1.1 miles.  If I decide to try for a 5K for my graduation run, I’ll need to add an extension to my route.  Or, I could go back to the asphalt path that I used during my week one repeats.  I have a few more days to decide.  But, back to this workout…


The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week eight, day three.

Program: 28 minute run.

Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 156 bpm and peaked at 167 bpm. I did 2.05 miles in 28:39 for an average speed of 4.3 mph (13:59 minute/mile).

Supposedly, the 180 step/90 stride cadence numbers I have been hearing about is the natural spring rate of the muscles and tendons in our legs and feet.  Since I have a metronome now, I decided to play a little with cadence during the workout today.  I had roughly measured my prior cadence at 82 strides/minute.  I know the ChiRunning recommendation is to get used to your natural stride first and then gradually increase the stride rate by +1 per week.  Today, I skipped that good advice and decided to see what 90 strides/minute felt like.  It went fairly well for the first one third of a mile.  Then, I reached the end of the block and turned the corner.  I’m not sure if it was the corner or the 90 stride rate but, just after the corner, my legs tensed up and I needed to drop my cadence a little closer to my natural speed.  I worked on relaxing my legs for a while and that helped.  On and off through the rest of the run, I turned the metronome on for a little while to check my cadence.  One thing I found difficult was trying to count the right, two, three, left, two, three while also counting my breathing, two in, three out.


The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week eight, day two.

Program: 28 minute run.

Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 156 bpm and peaked at 170 bpm. I did 2.10 miles in 28:40 for an average speed of 4.4 mph (13:39 minute/mile).

This was another difficult run.  My legs started aching right away again.  I also pushed just a little harder and increased my average speed just a little bit.  I did the first mile at 4.6 mph (12:55 minute/mile) and the second at 4.2 mph (14:15 minute/mile).  But, I also paid for the extra effort.  A little ways into the second mile, I began to deal with side stitches.  I kept going, pushing through it.  My heart rate was only 160 and I only had three quarters of a mile left.  That is something I never would have thought before.  The distance remaining was almost as long as my entire first workout.  Incredible!


The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week eight, day one.

Program: 28 minute run.

Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 150 bpm and peaked at 165 bpm. I did 2.00 miles in 28:14 for an average speed of 4.3 mph (14:06 minute/mile).

The workout went well.  I was quite tired at the end, but it was a good tired.  Though the humidity was over ninety percent, the temperature was nice, a little below 60F.  My calves and achilles did not ache this time like they did on the last workout.  They got tired, but didn’t hurt.  My arms got real tired also.  A few times, I had to remember to pick them up and not let them hang.  On reviewing the workout data, it was good to see the average speed go up.  I hope I can keep increasing it.


The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week seven, day three.

Program: 25 minute run.

Result: I completed the workout a little better than planned. My heart rate averaged 152 bpm and peaked at 168 bpm. I did 2.03 miles in 30:12 for an average speed of 4.0 mph (14:54 minute/mile).

When I woke up today, I was still running a slight fever.  But, I wanted to run anyway.  Right away, I knew it would be difficult.  With the first steps, the muscles beside my shins were aching.  I kept going just to see how far I could go.  When I reached the half-way point in time, I did a U turn and then took another look at my watch.  I had going 0.9 miles, only 0.1 short of a full mile.  I did another U turn and kept going.  When the watch beeped at 1.0 miles, I did another U turn and headed back.  To add just a bit more distance to make up for the prior U turn, I crossed the street and came back.