The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week nine, day one.
Program: 30 minute run.
Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 157 bpm and peaked at 163 bpm. I did 2.2 miles in 31:03 for an average speed of 4.3 mph (14:05 minute/mile).
I now know how far it is to the end of block on the far side of the lake near my house. I stopped at the end of block, touched the end cap of the fence post on the corner, and turned around. It was right at 1.1 miles. If I decide to try for a 5K for my graduation run, I’ll need to add an extension to my route. Or, I could go back to the asphalt path that I used during my week one repeats. I have a few more days to decide. But, back to this workout…