The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week nine, day two.

Program: 30 minute run.

Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 152 bpm and peaked at 161 bpm. I did 2.29 miles in 33:18 for an average speed of 4.1 mph (14:33 minute/mile).

I was still fighting a cold/sinus infection that was just starting on the last workout.  But, I wanted to complete the program this week and needed to keep on schedule.  So, I ran.  It was just a little slower than before.  I was hoping to add a little to the distance in hopes of getting a little closer to a true 5K for a graduation run.  Running down the boat ramp and up the path beside the lake probably wasn’t the best addition to my normal route.

As I approached the one mile point, I did get a slight break.  I heard the exhaust rumble of a large engine and needed to stop for several seconds to let a Dodge Viper back out of a driveway.  Then, back to running.  As I neared the end point of the block to turn around, I crossed behind a minivan about to pull out of another driveway.  If I timed it right, I could stop again on the way back.  Nope; just a little too slow.  By the time I reached the end, turned around, and got back, they had already backed out past the sidewalk.  Oh, well.  Keep running.

On the way back up the block, I was thinking of how I could extend the route a little more for my graduation run.  One way would be to keep my normal route and  add a down and back along the lake.  Though it would cut off the corner of the block, I decided to try it today and ran down the boat ramp and along the lake.  I had forgotten about there being more bugs near the water.  Yech!  It’s a good thing I was trying to practice my nose breathing.  Part of the way down along the lake, the path raises back up to street level.  My watch had already passed the two mile point and, back up at street level, the path splits.  One part continued along the lake.  Another cut across the street.  I took the latter and headed for home.  Only one more workout in the C25K.  I’m still not sure yet what route I’ll take for the graduation run.  I only know that I’ll run and run and run some more for at least half an hour.