The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week nine, day one.

Program: 30 minute run.

Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 157 bpm and peaked at 163 bpm. I did 2.2 miles in 31:03 for an average speed of 4.3 mph (14:05 minute/mile).

I now know how far it is to the end of block on the far side of the lake near my house.  I stopped at the end of block, touched the end cap of the fence post on the corner, and turned around.  It was right at 1.1 miles.  If I decide to try for a 5K for my graduation run, I’ll need to add an extension to my route.  Or, I could go back to the asphalt path that I used during my week one repeats.  I have a few more days to decide.  But, back to this workout…

My splits for this workout were just slightly different than for the last.  The first mile was done in 13:24 (4.5 mph), 0.1 mph faster.  The second mile was done in 14:39 (4.1 mph), 0.1 mph slower.  This was a little surprising to me.  The reason it was surprising is that I did this entire workout barefoot.

I had been afraid to try this.  Earlier in the C25K, I had removed my VFFs for some of the run intervals.  I could use the walks intervals to put on or take off the VFFs and not interrupt the run intervals.  I was afraid to try this for the later workouts as there were no walk intervals I could use to switch.  I would have to interrupt the run to do it and I didn’t want to have to do that.  Today, I decided to go ahead and try it and see what happened.  I carried the VFFs with me just in case I needed to stop and switch in order to finish the run.  They were easy to carry.  I carried them both together in my left hand, with my thumb stuck in one of the toe pockets.

So, what happened with my bare feet?  Not much, actually.  For the most part, the run went well.  It was interesting feeling the textures of the various surfaces I ran on.  Some of the sidewalk was smooth cement.  Other sections were more pitted.  I also crossed over and ran on the asphalt of the streets.  I even ran a little on the grass of the park.  It was a good mix of textures, none of which were difficult to run on barefoot.  Instead of checking too many of the other focuses of ChiRunning, for this run, I mostly did the BodySensing to better monitor what was happening with my feet and my form.  About half a mile in, I lifted my right foot a little higher and brushed off a small pebble that stuck to the skin of the arch.  Some time after the turn around point, I noticed a slight stinging feeling in the pad of the third toe of my right foot.  It wasn’t too bad and I kept going.  It was slightly sensitive for the rest of the run.  After I got home at the end of the run and cooled down a little, I washed my feet and found the cause.  A layer of skin was off of that toe in about a one quarter inch diameter circle.  I’m not sure if I got a blister and it broke or if I slid that toe slightly and abraded it on the cement.  In any case, the blister I had early on in the C25K was worse.  Overall, my feet are a little tingly, like they have had a good massage.  Time will tell if there are any other issues that will appear.

I’m amazed I can run two miles straight.  I’m more amazed I can run two miles straight while barefoot.  Only two more workouts remain in my C25K program.