The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week eight, day three.
Program: 28 minute run.
Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 156 bpm and peaked at 167 bpm. I did 2.05 miles in 28:39 for an average speed of 4.3 mph (13:59 minute/mile).
Supposedly, the 180 step/90 stride cadence numbers I have been hearing about is the natural spring rate of the muscles and tendons in our legs and feet. Since I have a metronome now, I decided to play a little with cadence during the workout today. I had roughly measured my prior cadence at 82 strides/minute. I know the ChiRunning recommendation is to get used to your natural stride first and then gradually increase the stride rate by +1 per week. Today, I skipped that good advice and decided to see what 90 strides/minute felt like. It went fairly well for the first one third of a mile. Then, I reached the end of the block and turned the corner. I’m not sure if it was the corner or the 90 stride rate but, just after the corner, my legs tensed up and I needed to drop my cadence a little closer to my natural speed. I worked on relaxing my legs for a while and that helped. On and off through the rest of the run, I turned the metronome on for a little while to check my cadence. One thing I found difficult was trying to count the right, two, three, left, two, three while also counting my breathing, two in, three out.
I did my turn around a little past the mile beep of my watch, but before the half way point in time. After the leg tensing I had at the corner, I knew I would be a little slower on the return trip. I was right. I did 13:32 in the first mile and 14:26 in the second. One more workout down. One more week to go.