The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week eight, day two.
Program: 28 minute run.
Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 156 bpm and peaked at 170 bpm. I did 2.10 miles in 28:40 for an average speed of 4.4 mph (13:39 minute/mile).
This was another difficult run. My legs started aching right away again. I also pushed just a little harder and increased my average speed just a little bit. I did the first mile at 4.6 mph (12:55 minute/mile) and the second at 4.2 mph (14:15 minute/mile). But, I also paid for the extra effort. A little ways into the second mile, I began to deal with side stitches. I kept going, pushing through it. My heart rate was only 160 and I only had three quarters of a mile left. That is something I never would have thought before. The distance remaining was almost as long as my entire first workout. Incredible!
It was nice to hear my watch beep at the first mile and see that I still had not reached the half way point in time. I needed to go a little further before I could turn around. I still need to increase me speed some more. I hope to run a full 5K for my graduation run. I would like the time to be a little closer to thirty minutes than my current pace allows. There are just three more workouts to get ready.