The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week seven, day three.
Program: 25 minute run.
Result: I completed the workout a little better than planned. My heart rate averaged 152 bpm and peaked at 168 bpm. I did 2.03 miles in 30:12 for an average speed of 4.0 mph (14:54 minute/mile).
When I woke up today, I was still running a slight fever. But, I wanted to run anyway. Right away, I knew it would be difficult. With the first steps, the muscles beside my shins were aching. I kept going just to see how far I could go. When I reached the half-way point in time, I did a U turn and then took another look at my watch. I had going 0.9 miles, only 0.1 short of a full mile. I did another U turn and kept going. When the watch beeped at 1.0 miles, I did another U turn and headed back. To add just a bit more distance to make up for the prior U turn, I crossed the street and came back.
The run back was just a little slower than the outbound run. Outbound, I ran at a 14:26 pace (4.2mph). Inbound, I ran at a 15:19 pace (3.9mph). As I neared my house, I was expecting the watch to beep again at 2.0 miles. I didn’t hear the beep and went past my house. When I looked at the watch, I saw that it had already gone past 2.0 miles. The run was over. It is hard to believe that I ran for two miles. Though my speed is still slow, it is also hard to believe that I ran for thirty minutes. I wasn’t supposed to do that until week nine. Now, I know I am capable of running the time. I need to work on getting my speed up.