The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week seven, day two, second attempt.
Program: 25 minute run.
Result: I did not complete the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 145 bpm and peaked at 160 bpm. I did 1.49 miles in 22:37 for an average speed of 3.9 mph (15:12 minute/mile).
I woke up this morning, debated going, and went. I’m only a few days into my antibiotics, but decided to see what would happen. The run started out well enough. I did the first mile in 13:48 (4.3 mph). Then, at 18:01, the boiler went dry, I ran out of steam, and began to walk. I knew the run was over. Though I did not complete the workout, my goal was still a success. My goal today was to not wait too long before running again. Though I am not feeling well, I am afraid that if I keep not running, I’ll stay not running. I definitely do not want that to happen. So, I ran anyway just to be running and doing something, anything, other than nothing. I knew I probably wouldn’t complete it, but I wanted to go as far as I could. I did just that. Goal achieved. I’ll keep repeating W7D2 until it is successful and then move on. For now, I’m going back to bed for a couple more hours of sleep.