The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week seven, day two, first attempt.

Program: 25 minute run.

Result: I did not complete the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 136 bpm and peaked at 165 bpm. I did 1.03 miles in 16:37 for an average speed of 3.7 mph (16:07 minute/mile).

I woke up this morning planning to go for a run.  I didn’t make it.  I had been running a slight fever for the last couple of days and a GI bug, new this morning, told me not to try; mustn’t stray far from the little room.  So, I decided to try it again in the evening when it had cooled down some.  The two extra hours of sleep were certainly welcome.  By 7:30pm, it had only cooled down a little bit, but I tried it any way.  A couple of minutes into the run, I had problems catching my breath.  There wasn’t any pain.  I just felt like I had trouble breathing.  I stopped running, started to turn around, and then decided to try and push on.  Five minutes later, I was having more trouble breathing.  I walked for a little and tried to run again.  Not good.  This wasn’t going to work today.  I turned around and walked back home, run aborted.  This is my first failed workout since my week one retries.  It wasn’t a complete failure as I did get a little exercise.  But, I did not do what I had planned to do.

I suspect several contributing factors were involved.  The temperature was higher than I was used to; mornings are much cooler.  I was low on energy, probably from fighting off whatever infection I had.  The GI bug left me drained, literally.  I was not sufficiently hydrated.  I should have drank a lot more water throughout the day than I did.  Lessons learned; maybe I’ll remember it.  Of course, being 70 pounds overweight didn’t help either.  I hope to do better next time.