The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week six, day two.
Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. 10 minute run. 3 minute walk. 10 minute run. Five-minute cool-down walk.
Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 143 bpm and peaked at 173 bpm. Including the warm-up and cool-down walks, I did 2.31 miles in 37:19 for an average speed of 3.72 mph (16:09 minute/mile).
I expected a workout and I got one. Now, I’m just tired. It’s a struggle trying to think of what to write. Something will come to me. Even though it just happened, it seems kind of blurry in my memory. Parts of it stand out, though. I did a similar route to the last two workouts, an out an back. It was interesting and nice to reach the same turn around point of W5D3 at the end of the first run interval an realize that, for this workout, I still needed to walk another minute and a half before turning around. Perhaps as expected, the distance is increasing with the time. It was also interesting when I reviewed the data. The split for the second run interval was slightly faster than for the first. For the first, I did 0.72 miles in 10:03.53 for a 13:56 pace. For the second, I did 0.72 miles in 10:03.04 for a 13:52 pace. Though the difference is small, I am surprised the second was faster as I was more tired. My ability to keep pushing is getting better. I’ll need that in a couple of days as I combine the two ten minute run segments, run instead of walk for the three minutes, and add two more minutes of running. I’ll certainly need to push more for that one.