The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week six, day one.
Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. 5 minute run. 3 minute walk. 8 minute run. 3 minute walk. 5 minute run. Five-minute cool-down walk.
Result: I completed the workout as planned. My heart rate averaged 135 bpm and peaked at 159 bpm. Including the warm-up and cool-down walks, I did 2.22 miles in 36:31 for an average speed of 3.65 mph (16:26 minute/mile).
As with many prior workouts, this one was tough. I still think the week four workouts were more difficult, though. From reading others experiences, I knew to expect it to be difficult and to not be overconfident after the twenty minute run of W5D3. Though there are two minutes less running than on W5D3, overall, this workout is longer because of the extra walking. The first five minute run interval went well. The eight minute run interval was more difficult. My calves and achilles started burning half way through and I had to push to complete it. I did manage to maintain under an 11:00 minute/mile pace for the first minute of that interval. I probably overdid it. My route was an out and back again and, anticipating later difficulties, I turned around well before the half way point of the eight minute run interval. The next walk interval was much anticipated. Before the final five minute run interval began, I slipped off my VFF Classics. The last run interval was done barefoot. It started on cement sidewalks, which went really well. I used this barefoot run to concentrate on my form and to forget about the burn in the calves and achilles. This strategy worked fairly well with one exception. Because I had turned around early, before being half way through the eight minute run interval, I reached the end of the sidewalk early also. I would have preferred to reach this point at the end of the last run so I could cool down walking barefoot through the grass. Instead, I continued running on the asphalt of the adjacent street. This was a little more difficult than on the cement sidewalk, but not because of the surface. As I was getting more and more tired, it became more difficult to maintain proper form. For the last thirty seconds or so of the run, I switch over to the grass. This was more forgiving of my now poor form. But, the thickness of grass compared to smooth pavement means the foot has to be lifted more to move it forward, a little extra work. My feet are fine, though, and suffered no ill effects from running barefoot. I hope to do more of this and would like to be able to finish C25K running entirely barefoot. I’m not sure I will make it, but it would be nice. For now, the dreaded W6D1 is done.