The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week two, day three. Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute cool-down walk. Result: I completed the workout as planned. I did 1.70 miles in 31:21 for an average speed of 3.25 mph. My heart rate averaged 140 bpm and peaked at 164 bpm. I normally do my workouts in the evenings. Today, I decided to do it earlier as the temperature is supposed to rise another twelve degrees by the time I would normally workout. It had rained most of the morning and thunderstorms are due later this afternoon and evening. So, the humidity is up. I forgot to do my stretches before starting. By the fifth run segment, my calves and achilles were burning. By the sixth run segment, I very much wanted to stop. But, I’ve been through this before and knew I could keep going and finish the workout. So, I did. Ah, the lessons taught by a little extra pain. Week two is completed. Onward and upward.