The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. I’m off schedule, but this is the results of the workout for week one, day seven. No, there is not supposed to be a day seven. Technically, this is the week one day one, repeated for the third time. Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute cool-down walk. Results: I completed the workout as intended. I ran all eight of the sixty second run segments. As is usual with just starting a program, it wasn’t easy. I finally feel that I am actually at the week one day one level. I did 1.64 miles in 29:41 for an average speed of 3.31 mph. My heart rate averaged 137 bpm and peaked at 161 bpm. These numbers include the warm-up and cool-down periods. My right calf was still feeling tight and I considered not doing the workout. But, I was afraid that if I didn’t get started again, I wouldn’t start again. I decided to try to do the workout and see what happened. I did my stretching and the warm-up walk. After the first run segment, I was feeling beat, my achilles and calves were starting to feel tight again, and I was ready to call it a day. But, I didn’t. During the walk segment, I stopped for a few seconds and did a quick stretch of the calves. That helped a little, just enough to do another run segment and then another and another. Before long, I had made it through run segment six and only had two more to go. It was a push to make it through the next two. The runs had been getting slower and so were the walks. I felt about ready to fall over, but managed to keep going. Unlike the earlier workouts, there was not a lot of pain. I just felt worn out. I guess this is what we are supposed to be learning, how to continue when we would rather not. Though I didn’t feel up to it, I successfully made it through the workout. Maybe this will be the week I finally complete week one.