C25K - W1D5
The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. I’m off schedule, but this is the results of the workout for week one, day five. No, there is not supposed to be a day five. But, I will be repeating the level for this week until it is completed successfully. Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute cool-down walk. Results: I completed the workout, again not as intended. I completed the first sixty second run, did not complete the next three, and walked the last four. Mileage is still increasing, up to 1.6 for this workout. Some severe thunderstorms went through the area all day and are supposed last well into the night. So, to keep my workout on schedule, I decided to run inside again. I started my warmup on the old, inexpensive treadmill in my basement. Half way through the warmup, I stopped. I was wearing my VFFs and Injinji socks. Perhaps the rubber soles had more traction than my bare feet. I was experiencing a slipping feeling, and a not too subtle one. Perhaps that explains the speed variations I’ve noticed in the past. But, with the belt suddenly slipping and then acting normal again in rapid fashion, it was not safe to continue. So, I aborted the treadmill workout. To keep to my Monday, Wednesday, Friday workout schedule, I still needed to workout today and not postpone it. I called the community RecPlex in the next suburb over. They have an indoor track and had a daily rate. So, I decided to drive through the rain and do my workout on their 1/10 mile Mondo Sportplex Track. The track is on the upper level surrounding the basketball courts. Has anyone said hot air rises? Though in an air conditioned building, it was hot and muggy on the track. The cool air coming in the door dropped right to the courts below. But, that isn’t what made it difficult. With a slight cushion built into the track surface, I was expecting softer landings than I had previously. Maybe that is why I was instead landing harder. Worse still, if you’re not going fast enough, crossing slopes on the cambered corners makes it harder. The shadow lines paralleling the tracklines, cast by the court lights, made tracking difficult also. I finished the first sixty second run and mostly completed the next several. But, I had to walk the remainder. Actually, I should say I limped the remainder. My right calf tightened up and I favored it for a while. Then, the left tightened up more and I limped favoring it instead. I was also unable to maintain a straight course and meandered around the track. I still completed the workout time and had slightly more distance than before. That was a good thing. Still, I hope the next workout is better and that I can get back out on the asphalt path again.