C25K - W1D3
The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. I’m off schedule, but this is the results of the workout for week one, day three. Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute cool-down walk. Results: I completed the workout. As with the prior workouts, my pace was slower than prescribed. Other things changed this time also. I was outside instead of on the treadmill. According to RunKeeper Free, the mileage was quite a bit longer at 1.54 miles. But, this wasn’t from running more. I ran less and walked faster. My average speed was at 3.11 mph. My walking speed was about twice as fast as before. But, the runs did not go well this time. As before, I cut the first couple of runs short and resumed walking early. The third run was the last for this workout. With the varying terrain of the path I was following, a run happened to coincide with an uphill slope. Even though it was a gradual slope, trying to run up the slope wiped me out. My breathing and heart rate were fine. But, the achilles burn did not go away this time, though it, too, changed somewhat. Instead of just burning along the achilles tendons, the burns were more in the calf muscles and a little along the shins. I think muscle burns are better than tendon burns. Maybe that part is going in the right direction. It just wasn’t a fun workout today, though it was good getting exercise. Being outside was a nice change and let me compare my response to different surfaces. I started barefoot on the grass beside an asphalt walking path. This lasted through the warmup and first interval. Then, I entered some trees and transitioned to my Vibram Five Fingers on the asphalt path. Later, I alternated between the path and the grass beside it. Another contributing factor to my impression of the workout is that I haven’t felt well today. Yesterday, a spasm started in my back that remained to plague me. Then, today, I had various pains along the bones in my right side. These included my ankle, various parts of my knee, my hip and even a tooth. I’m not sure what caused it, but they ebbed and flowed throughout the day. Maybe it is just the onset of arthritis aggravated by some approaching storms. Still, I tried to do my workout and completed the time. That was good. My average speed was quite a bit faster. I liked that, but it had consequences also. My left foot now has a couple of blisters, one on the bottom of the big toe and another in the middle of the foot pad. Though painful and aggravating, I am not depressed about the way it ended. I just think I need to take it slower than I originally expected and slower than the program. I’m not sure how long the blisters will take to heal and whether I will be able to work out in a couple of days. But, as soon as I can, I will continue my workouts. I do expect the first week workouts to be repeating for a while. Before I can move to longer runs, I need to at least be able to complete the runs at this level. It will likely come with time. I just need to persist at it for a while longer. I knew going in that this would not be a quick process. What was run down over decades would not be rebuilt overnight. The rebuild is progressing.