C25K - W1D2
The C25K program consists of three workouts per week for nine weeks. This is the results of the workout for week one, day two. Program: Brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Brisk five-minute cool-down walk. Results: I completed the workout. As with the prior workout, my pace was slower than prescribed. But, it was still a little faster than before. I ended the workout at just over a mile, this time at 1.13. I still had the achilles burn during the run segments, though different than before. The burning feeling was not as intense. Instead, there was just more tightness. To complement this, my shins also began to ache. The result was that I resumed walking before the end of the run segments as I did before. Still, something must be going right. I did go further this time than before and my breathing was still okay. I ran barefoot on the treadmill again and listened to Robert Ullrey’s podcast again. I didn’t use the timer app this time, just the podcast. It seems I’m always forgetting something when I workout. I really hope it does not become a habit. I did remember to do the stretch before running this time. I did the five minute warmup walk and then did a few stretches before beginning the run/walk intervals. But, I forgot to wear the heart monitor. I felt fine, though, and think I did okay. But, I don’t really know for sure. That’s what the monitors are for, right? You get that comfort factor from knowing the numbers. I changed my diet a bit before this workout. I drank more water to hydrate while I was working my desk job during the day. And, I had a couple of avocado sandwiches for lunch. That was tasty and provided some carbs. For an afternoon snack, I munched on a few dates for some more carbs. That should be healthy enough and should have provided a good preparation for the workout. Breakfast and dinner are more protein and less carbs. Another good workout is over. My achilles seem to have mostly recovered. My shins are still achy, though. I think I’ll go ice them.