Beginning C25K
After twenty-plus years as a software developer, basically living at a desk, I am not in the physical shape I would like to be. I recently came across a program that can help to correct this problem. It is the “Couch to 5K” program from the Cool Running web site. As the name suggests, it is designed to help you go from the couch to running 5K (3 miles) in just over two months. In spite of where I am starting from, an almost completely sedentary lifestyle, the level of progress shown in the scheduled should be doable, I hope. I will try to log my progress through the program. Someday in the future, I hope to be able to look back on this and marvel at how far I’ve come. I hope to be about sixty pounds lighter by then, too. It’s good to set goals. Of course, there is a lot of work between now and then. For others looking to start a similar program, another good resource is the C25K web site. There is a forum for commiseration and progress tracking. The main C25K page also lists some good resources like podcasts to use during the workout. They provide a way to signal you when to change pace. There are also some running tools, info, and what to do after the 5K.